Sunday, November 29, 2009

Local News & UFO Sightings

It seems there have been an explosion of UFO sightings here in Nevada. Our local news did a segment on it the other night. They appear to be mostly sighted around mines (Nevada has some really big mining operations), and energy producing sites. I might add that the mines use tremendous amounts of energy.

The segment mentioned an organization that is dedicated to the scientific study of UFO sightings, and has as members people from the scientific community as well as NASA. It has people located here to monitor them. I went to the MUFON website and found it interesting.

Whether you believe in UFOs, or not, I find it interesting that more have been sighted in Nevada over the last three months.

What does it mean? I have no idea. It could very well mean that the military is working on a new toy.


Von said...

Christmas is coming?

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Someday we will find out, like so many mysteries, we can only guess. Something is going on. The Husband and I saw a UFO when we were camping in the Sequoias about 10 years ago, we were walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night. It was AMAZING! My brother saw one for a long period of time, like 20 minutes, over a stretch of highway in Wyoming in the middle of the night some 30 years ago.

Hey, is that picture you posted for real? It's incredible.

Nancy said...

Goose - Maybe that's it!

Elizabeth - I'm not sure about the picture - I swiped it from the internet. It's really amazing how many people have seen them!

Natalie said...

Awesome stuff, will check it out.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Or "V" really is a possibility!

Butternut Squash said...

How odd. UFO's came up in conversation at our dinner party last night. Two of the 6 guests had seen UFOs, but not recently. I put about 40,000 miles on my car every year, but I have only ever seen shooting stars, ballons and blimps.

SquirrelQueen said...

I like Goose's theory best. It's military testing, UFO's make a great cover story.

Nancy said...

Natalie - Interesting site, actually.

Bonnie - Yipes! Does this mean Nevada is first on their list? :-0

Butternut - I have seen some strange things out in the desert, I have to admit, but it could have been military, since it has such a strong presence in Nevada. Area 51 and all.

Squirrel - I prefer Goose's theory, for sure! You may be right about the cover story. The military is always busy, it seems.

Anonymous said...

It would be more than interesting to meet with 'beings' from far away, not only to learn about their journey, but also how their minds are shaped.
A wonderful start into the new week for you.

Brian Miller said...

santa is doing test runs before the big

off to check the link!

Trish and Rob MacGregor said...

Mufon is a terrific organization. & lucky you, Nancy, being in a place where there are so many sightings. Whitley Streiber's site - has a section called "out there" that is worth checking. It's a list of UFO sightings worldwide.

Anonymous said...

Since I don't like the idea of aliens and their probes, I'm going to go with the idea that the military has a new toy. :)

Cheryl Ann said...

There's a granite mountain near where I board my horses and it has the most UFO sightings in California...Cahuilla Mountain. Kinda weird! My good friend says she saw one herself, in Deep Canyon and it changed her life. I've never seen one, darn it!

Reya Mellicker said...

What's not to believe? There definitely are many unexplained objects in the sky, have been for a long time now. I wonder why they're currently visiting?

scarlethue said...

I've never seen one, and I doubt I ever will, but I do believe there is life on other planets somewhere out there. I think to believe otherwise is kind of self-centered. But I'd talk myself into believing any UFO I saw was really a government project or a blimp or something. It's much more likely, and the likely answer is usually the right one.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they're weather balloons or experimental "unmarked" military airships. :) US is known long been doing that :)

luksky said...

Believe it or not, I saw one on a camping trip in Southern Alabama. I also saw a supernova on the same night....hubby was very jealous.

Marguerite said...

A good friend of mine's sister claimed that she was actually abducted by a UFO in Maryland, in the 70's. Sadly, she is no longer alive, as she died of cancer, when she was only 41 years old. (about 20 years after the abduction)

Leah J. Utas said...

Most exciting. I love UFOs. Wish we could see some here.

Lydia said...

If I hadn't read your post about this I'd be clueless about this latest phenom in Nevada. It's exciting.
Remember Miguel's Mexican Restaurant in Reno? My family ate there frequently and one night Miguel himself came to our table and began talking about UFOs. Finding us receptive rather than scoffing he then pulled two snapshots out of his pocket and gave them to me. Still have one. Big silver disc in the sky. Who knows?

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I'd love to know the "real" stories. Find the topic fascinating.

Hope you had a good holiday!

Lori said...

I find all of this fascinating. I haven't ever seen a UFO but I doubt that this many people could make something like that up.

Nancy said...

Robert - I would only want to meet them if they didn't want us for food. :-)

Brian - Yes, lets just keep thing that. So much more jolly and festive. :-)

Trish & Rob - I'll check it out, thanks.

Jennifer - I'm with you on the probes.

Cheryl Ann - Fascinating! I'm going to google it and see what comes up. How did it change your friend's life?

Reya - Yes, why now, and why over mines?

Scarlethue - MUFO says 75% of UFO's can be explained. It's the other 25% that keeps them busy.

noteither - It's a mystery, but you're right - the military likes it's toys.

luksky - Tell us about it!

Marguerite - Wow. She is one of many, or so I have heard.

Leah - Not many in Canada?

Lydia - I think Miguels is still there. At least it was a few years ago. Fascinating story.

Midlife - Thanks, I hope you did as well. Looking forward to catching up with you all.

smiles - I'm thinking the same thing.

DJan said...

You reminded me that my dad saw one when he was in the Air Force. It was there for a long time and everybody on the plane saw it. It was investigated for years, but of course we never heard anything more about it. Daddy was a believer, though, after that.

Unknown said...

I saw one over southern Georgia decades ago in the early 60s and have never seen one since so I envy you Nancy!
Whatever the reason, explanation, it's still amazing.

JC said...

I don't know if I believe or not .. maybe I don't want to actually know.

I like the photo though ...


or - it could be the military "found" another "toy aka ufo" -

having experienced ufo's at a distance and up close and personal [along with a bus full of people on one occasion], i can say that if our government has anything even remotely resembling what i have seen/experienced, and our civilization, our planet, otherwise is where it, can't even go there!!!

Mental P Mama said...

Maybe they think Vegas is a landing strip;)

Land of shimp said...

Let's see: Mathematically it is deemed absolute that there must be life somewhere in space, isn't it? Space is very, very, very big (and I'm still understating the scope of space, it's so big, there aren't adequate words to express its size). So I think most of us can accept that somewhere out there, there is life of some sort.

Life capable of traveling over vast distances, seems to be the real question.

I think it's possible. I've never seen a UFO. Frankly, I've never known a person who has seen a UFO (or rather, anyone who has told me that directly).

It likely is the military testing something in Nevada, after all the probability of life capable of traveling great distances and finding us is much, much smaller.

But not impossible :-)

susan said...

I know some reliable people who've seen them but I never have. I want to. If the Mother Ship showed up I'd bake them a 'Welcome' cake. I wonder if aliens from outer space eat cake?

Shrinky said...

I've never sighted anything, but I do believe we can't be the only planet out here bearing life.

Nancy said...

DJan - It is truly amazing the sightings and still our government doesn't talk about it.

Gaston - I think I have seen two for sure and one that was a maybe. My daughter and I saw one hovering over a carpet store on a busy street in Reno. By the time I flipped around and went back - it was gone. Nevada has some strange stuff, for sure.

JC - I have felt that way for a long time. What we don't know can't hurt us - right?

Gypsy - Good point.

Mental - It sort of looks like one!

Land - You never know if it could be military, that's for sure. But I don't doubt there could be other planets that could be further advanced than ours, either. Like you said - it's possible.

Sophia - Wow, that's a thought. I really have no idea what is going on. The local news program interviewed people that worked at the mines in central Nevada, and they didn't know what they were either.

Susan - Just so they don't eat us!

Shrinky - I agree.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Awww, sweet mystery.....I hink I will go with the Santa theory.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be silly to think were the only one's inhabiting a planet...

Maybe the UFO's are itty bitty.

Nancy said...

Kathy - It seems easier, doesn't it.

Phoebe - Itty bitty would be nice. Unless the aliens puff up like a sponge when they hit oxygen. Hee hee

Pat said...

I remember reading something in the paper about a lot of UFO sightings, but I don't remember where they took place. It was probably where you are talking about. It does make you pause when you hear so many accounts of sightings.

Linda Pendleton said...

I’ve been to MUFON meetings and heard talks by Nuclear Physicist, UFO Researcher, Stanton Friedman, and others. I also had MUFON interview me when I had a sighting while living in Sedona, and also reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (below)

Here are two good UFO websites about sightings.

Nancy said...

Pat - It seems more are more sightings are happening all the time.

Linda - Very interesting. Thank you. I'll check them out.

Herrad said...

Hi Nancy,
I agree with you that it is probably the military playing with new 'toys'.

~JarieLyn~ said...

I have not heard any coverage on this. I'm definitely interested in UFO's. But you're probably right that the military is working on a new toy.

Unknown said...

Isn't that one of the default Windows backgrounds? Looks to me like someone had some fun with Photoshop.