Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thoughts & Emotions

One of the the most profound findings in the research I've done for my book is the understanding of how we create our world. Thoughts+Emotions = Creation. It is that simple.

In the book I go into much more detail, but suffice to say, the physics behind this seemingly simple explanation is not so simple, but that does not change the fact. When we engage our heart, through emotion, our thoughts begin to organize and create. That is why it is so important to learn to control your thinking. Especially the thoughts that bring forth emotion. As Seth says - whatever you concentrate on will be what you manifest. (Some day I need to get back to the Seth book and postings.)

For now, go here for a great post on synchronicity and the creative process.


Brian Miller said...

nice...i like your simple equation...and it is def true...

DJan said...

I read the synchronicity post and found it to be fascinating, too. Very thought-provoking idea on how things come to be. I always enjoy reading your posts and have been wondering how you are coming along with the book process.

Trish and Rob MacGregor said...

Can't wait to see the book! And thanks for the link!

Subhash said...
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