Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Electric Universe & Space Weather

I found an excellent article at Reality Sandwich by Rak Raszam regarding space weather and how it may be affecting us metaphysically. The interview with Susan Joy Rennison, a physics and geophysics lecturer, and author of the book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism and Spiritual Evolution,  referenced some  amazing new discoveries in astrophysics. She believes we are being bombarded by energy from the sun and other cosmic sources on a grand scale.

At a time when our electromagnetic shields are disappearing, a cosmic "cloud" is entering our solar system. Is this the reason NASA recently came out publicly to their employees and their families to make preparations for a possible emergency? FEMA is planning a nationwide test on all systems on November 9th - one day after a somewhat close encounter with asteroid YU55, traveling between the earth and the moon on November 8th & 9th. (You can read more about this event here.) Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.

Other topics:

  • A discussion on the theory of an "electric Universe," plasma, and possibly intelligent plasma beings!
  •  Space weather, charged particles, a weakening electromagnetic field, and what that may mean to us and our power grid in the event of solar flares. The Obama administration has contacted the metaphysical community to get their input, as a matter of fact.
  • Cataclysmic events driven by changes in the celestial environment. Astrology is taking on a new status... 
  • Changes happening so fast that NASA has admitted that they cannot keep up with them.
  • How Mayan Elders may have actually known about these changes because they are part of a natural cycle of events occuring every 26,000 years.
  • The solar wind, which actually protects the earth from galactic cosmic rays is flagging; NASA is charged with communicating this information to the public, but releases it just two weeks before Christmas - when most people are not paying attention.
  • A quote by Dr. McComas, principal investigator on NASA's IBEX mission who states:  "These discoveries about the outer fringe of our solar system come at a time when new NASA revelations have piled up so fast and so frequently that our paradigm is completely changing again and again without the general public even really being aware. [...] It's a whole new ball game in space."
  • There are specific places where energy concentrates in geometric patterns all over the planet. Could these be portals or vortexes? Energy orbs are often seen around these sites, as are UFOs. These orbs are also seen around crop circles.

The entire article was a good read. 

If you are interested in this topic, Dr. Kashonia is hosting a free teleseminar with Wallace Thornhill - a leader in the field of the "Electric Universe," on August 8th.


Anonymous said...

Off to check the links. Thanks for posting, Nancy!

- Trish

Brian Miller said...

nice...thanks for this one nancy...intrigued for to chase the links....

susan said...

I've just returned from reading most of the Reality Sandwich article you linked to. In spite of bouts of wackiness (I don't think we can afford to not take our own part of the blame for global climate change), she makes a number of very interesting points. It's a mistake for us to think we live on a planet that never changes in a solar system that's always the same old thing.

Now I've bookmarked the site so I can read more - tomorrow. It's getting late here.

Rob-bear said...

Given that we probably know about one-tenth of one per cent of what's in the universe, these are interesting ideas. As Brian pointed out, this is all intriguing. And not entirely Twilight Zone material.

Nancy said...

T - Dr. Kashonia has done some really through work - check out her site.

Brian - Interesting stuff.

Susan - I think we need to take responsibility for completely polluting the earth, but I'm not sure the warming of the planet is not something else - at least partly - because the whole solar system is warming.

Rob-bear - It is worth checking out. Our world is starting to feel like The Twighlight Zone...


yes, thanks so much for such a great post and the links, nancy - and the thing about emergency preparedness, i was just commenting over at synchronicity that the governor of PA is now doing local tv channels public announcements for everyone to obtain an emergency preparedness kit - interesting the timing thing again - no telling what we, the public, do not know!

Nancy said...

Gypsy - You do have to wonder, don't you?

Midlife Roadtripper said...

You always read the most interesting things. I admire that. I so rarely come out of my reading box.

Natalie said...

We really are ants jumping through hoops methinks.

d page said...

Excellent post! I will be checking out that book,